A lack of dogma

I know strong feelings are good to put out for the purposes of receiving strong feelings in return, but, I've seen too damn much. I can be a professional hater and also not be strict in the necessities to get an app or team off the ground.

Many of the ways people work, they do out of necessity, and that necessity tends to cause a chamber that prevents people from seeing when the needs change.

I have a strong preference for Postgres because my experiences with other DBs have been slow and annoying.

The only hill I'm willing to die on here is if you touch a task and you don't flag any seen issues or you don't check the requirements, you have not finished your responsibility to your team.

You don't have to fix anything immediately, but even if you're working solo, leave a comment somewhere. Don't make it Tomorrow You or Tomorrow Courtney's problem. Tomorrow Courtney is going to be too tired for that.

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